Nostalgia Wrex

I agree. I bought a 2014 last year, and it’s pretty much perfect for what it is (a commuter car). I have an SUV to haul my family of 5 around. I commute in the Volt and use it to pick up kids from school, etc. I have an 8 mile commute to work, and I visit jobs sites that often have someplace to plug in. I fill up the

Look, we all have eyes, you don’t need to shit on the guy’s car when he’s taken the time to share his experience with it.

What went wrong:

He doesn’t want a manual. It’s like if someone is asking for a veggie burger, and you’re trying to talk that person into a ground turkey burger, calling it a transitional patty.

It’s beyond absurd to say that public sector unions can’t be useful, just like it is absurd to make a blanket statement that cities/states are going bankrupt because of union perks. Take Illinois, for example. Their teacher pension plan is only about 40% funded and sucking up a large chunk of state revenues. Is it

im so sick of bankruptcy being blamed on public sector unions.  Cities and states consistently underfunded and mismanaged pension programs.  THen they blame people who have been in the system for 10 plus years for not wanting to shift over to a 401k.  The old agreement was that people went to work for the government

In a lot of those states and cities, it’s the pension funds that are blamed. But here’s the thing in a lot of cases. The governments negotiated the pensions, and then didn’t pay into the fund. So years go by with no money paid into the fund, and when it’s time to pay out to the retirees, there’s no money and the

The body kit isn’t to my taste, but DAMN if I don’t want my BRZ to be targa-topped... That part of it makes me tingle in the right places.

New Zealand is considering banning cat ownership? I’m starting the immigration process right now then.

I bet that thing really purrs!

Live where coyotes are, no outdoor cats, which is great.

I’m pretty sure in this case it’s meant in reference to her taking over the car that was modified by someone else. She usurped someone else’s vision.

Huh, didn’t know they offered the SS trim on the 81 Vette.

Personally, I did Nazi anything wrong with it.

You may say that just “one” works for you, but I say:

Does the car’s performance suffer when you drive it to Cincinnati?

Anyone else find it weird that the middle seats don’t face the rear? There doesn’t look to be enough space for them to turn.

When was the last time you saw a 5 year lease?? Vast majority are 2 or 3 years.

If you need a loan to buy a car, you cannot afford it either.