
I'm still waiting for Transformers Animated: Season 3. The first two seasons came out, then the third just...disappeared. Was rather frustrating when I was trying to educate my son in all things Transformers a few years back. Animated was the first modern TF show that captured some of that Gee One magic.

Death by snu-snu.

I've always wanted to kill a dragon.

That's not camera flash, it's "Shinji Glow."

Yo dawg?

Was confused by the lack of "squee" sounds coming out of my mouth, until I realized I was so excited, I'd gone hyper-sonic.

"...gruesome makeup and KY jelly"

I had that car...it's all plastic.

Joe Mad is leaving something unfinished?! I'm shocked and hurt!

Very interesting write up. I find articles where the reviewer isn't "reviewing" but integrating a piece of equipment into their daily routine to be much more illuminating.


Alright - how long before it turns into a Transformer?

"There are two different modes—'soft' and 'hard'"

So the splash screen has a cock and an ass?

To kick a huge amount of ass.

"...loads rocket up with champagne and noted lack of prophylactics to 'Move things along.'"

I've been scrolling for DAYS, it feels like. the effort contained within this single panel is breathtaking.

I am a leaf on the wind.

Annalee will see the world burn.

Funny, I thought that's what Bruce was doing - HEYO!