Oh man, I remember Hooky. Probably one of the most fucked up Spidey stories I ever laid eyes on, art-wise.
Oh man, I remember Hooky. Probably one of the most fucked up Spidey stories I ever laid eyes on, art-wise.
So all I need to do to revive my dream of a deadly bovine army is to reintroduce aurochs?
I dunno - I didn't realize perpetual lip pout was all you needed to express dignity (or fear...or horror...or happiness...)
You never go full snout.
"I'd kill for a bamboo smoothie right now."
Everyone else is seeing a sex toy too...right?
Sounds like my date last Friday. The wedding is set for June.
Kristen Stewart is this generation's Keanu.
The sap must flow.
You're the BEST! Around! No one's ever gonna keep you down!
What is Sebastian's less-popular song from "The Little Mermaid?"
Not just a reply, but a slash fiction reply?
Calling it now - Black Widow and/or Hawkeye will go down in a Jossian "phew, we barely made it out alive" moment.
Sometimes, I dream that subsequent evolutions in the genus were the results of the tinkering of one mad scientist T-Rex...
Leroy! The Uninterrupted.
But...but...Hippo vs. Sperm Whale!
*pushes away from laptop*
They can throw rocks through bulletproof class. They don't "have" last names; they goddamned EARNED last names.
Is it wrong that I read the graphic as "Spacegoat?" And was thinking it was about draenaei?
I so want a Kale Eggo...