
Wait...didn't we already talk about the Blade earlier today?

*Boots up app*

Time to go out and record a track record in an F1, then program that in...

"Father, I'm going to walk down the hill and kill a sasquatch!"

Paging Sulu in 3..2...1...

Honest? I was meh until the end when I saw she was wearing toe-shoes.

A weekly animated series would be much appreciated.

*Aliens sitting around the HUD of their weather-making machine*

I think the proper question in this situation would be "Is this real shit?"

I can see the pixels.

What was the point of this article? A $6,000 custom install toilet, a few hundred dollars more on mops and robots, then throw a $5 scrubber in that looks like it came from the latest 3 AM infomercial? Not a toolkit as much as a place to round up advertisers.

Well since RDJ is tentative for future IM movies...I'd say Tony.

So "eee-eeee-eeeeee" really means "I CAN TASTE THE COLORS MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!"

Do your balls hang low?

That's the most delicious...cake...I've ever seen.

Brilliant. You win 1 Internet.

Sad that the lizard isn't called "La Gamera."

...says the Disney sympathizer! Don't buy the hype! HATBOX GHOST LIVES!

If only this was coming to something else other than the Xbox - I'd be all over it. Sadly, Microsoft does not factor in to my gaming universe. :(

If ever there was a justification for 3-D printing...