
Fantastic suggestion for iMacs! Just make sure you have enough slack in your power cord that you don't unplug it! I've done that one several times.

All fear Nippletron 5000's vibrating nipple wheels.

@Guard: It was buried in the market by the Ninja Table game.

@Jester21: The pilots were playing that game where you let the president juuuuuust get up to the door, then they scoot forward a bit, pulling the handle out of his hand.

I smell a ratings bonanzaaaaa...

The only nerd dongle I want near my jawbone is...um...

I read the title for this post in the Hans Gruber accent (and added the requisite "Ho. Ho. Ho." at the end).

@WookieLifeDay: "Didja dip your wick and now your sick? Come get a prick and it'll fix you up quick!"

@Alan Hoffmann: Or...maybe...the Sect could steal her cooling rods? :p

@ObiHaiv: Would that make the rooster the motherclucker?

@Cin: Oh, believe you me, neither do I!

The intro image smacks to me of Chloe cosplaying Farscape's Scorpious

@Sidetalker: I would think by now the sunglasses were implied! :p

@xRichUKx: xRich...that is frakking beautiful. Very nice find.

It looks like that bullet...


Plugging in my Naga last night, I was struck at how deeply annoying the "high end" cord is. It's really stiff and ends up bunched up in a knot between my comp and the mouse (unintentionally knotted, since I don't use it all the time, just for gaming, and just toss it in a drawer). Was thinking how much I'd love it