Adrian Avelar

Heard that, too. I don’t think anyone would cry if in its second outing they got rid of that neck thing and kept the goggles or gave him a Cap helmet.

Last I recall, they’re trying to get Margot Robbie to be the next lead of the series.

Scorsese? Maybe?

I enjoyed myself overall. For those that didn’t, I hope the next thing works for you, assuming you stick around for Andor, Ahsoka, etc.

Nah. They just like it. Nothing wrong with that. If it reaches them on whatever level, I’m happy for them, even if it doesn’t work for others.


I mostly agree. The trope can be criticized, sure, but I thought they gave me enough with the Darkhold for me to go along with things.

They come with dragons, which people like to see on screen. For better or for worse.

So, are you mad at Matt Smith, or casting agencies, or David’s agent?

Huh. I swear Paul Thomas Anderson said something similar just a few months ago. I could be wrong, though.

I didn’t care for the first one, but I didn’t dislike it enough that I won’t give the second a try, I guess. And I like Pugh. We’ll see what happens.

This is good stuff. But he married Morena Baccarin. He cannot go unpunished ...

Fair. His recent Oscar nom might help, though.

Jennifer Beals in any decade or universe > Max Rebo

There’s no room for this reasonable take here, sir!

From what I’m seeing, it’s actually $260 mil for the final number.

I have to either wonder about their reading comprehension, or if they're trolling.

Feige? I doubt it. Disney? Oh yeah.

I’d watch it.

There are certainly shots I do like, but I found a lot of it a bit monochromatic and lifeless.