Adrian Avelar

Good. It could only be better if he was replaced by Jessica Chastain.

I know we joke, but I actually wonder if it really was a good conversation, since he seemed to speak well about Disney+ Star Wars recently. I dunno.

Or, you know, I have a personal, subjective opinion that you don't share. Fancy that.

Probably the former for this season, then the latter with Debicki for next season. But that’s just me guessing.

Solid start overall. It seemed almost low energy to me in parts compared to what was going on, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

When did this very subjective opinion start?

Ben could’ve been the best Batman, but his version was written and directed by Zack Snyder, so that possibility went out the window fast.

Call me biased, but I'd point to Ike Perlmutter no longer being over him.

I, uh, think it’s a lackluster trailer. Also, Cheetah looks really bad to me.

I’ve always thought Chiwetel Ejiofor was chef's kiss.

Seems like an odd hope to have, but you do you. 

Sounds cool. Not plausible in our universe, which seems to be bothering some here, but cool. Should make for an interesting start of the story, at least.

If I recall, Disney holds D23 on odd-numbered years.

I wouldn’t mind if he had a more powerful role creatively, even if I don’t think that everything he does, or has done, is gold. I like most of what he’s done with Star Wars, but not everything. Some things are just too out there for me.

Sydney Sweeney's up there somewhere for me.


Not bad. I don’t love the collar, but not bad nonetheless.

Eh. I just respectfully disagree.


Bullshit. The internet told me Star Wars is dead.