Adrian Avelar

That’s still one of my favorite bits of dialogue.

Pretty sure Luke attacks Vader in anger, puts him on his heels, and goes so far as to sever a limb, albeit an already severed one.

Despite having rather overwrought lyrics and being kind of annoying to listen to ...

Does anyone else think this was the worst space battle in all of Star Wars, or is that just me? It could just be me.

I listen to ‘The Spark’ more than any other track from this new trilogy. I’d say ‘Rey’s Theme’ is a close second.

Well, The Last Jedi is easily the superior film for me of this trilogy, followed by The Force Awakens, then a gap, then The Rise of Skywalker. 

There are other numbers out there, ya know. To be fair, let’s not pretend that the internet speaks for the entire audience.

Why would you use only one source? I hate to say it, but RT is not the end-all, be-all of audience scores or review scores in general.

I believe it’s Jaskier. It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some sort of reference to Dandelion, though.

Admittedly, that’s the one spoiler I feel the most trepidation about, but I’m willing to wait to see it play out with context. We shall see.

Oh, I know. I already know some of them. I’m just curious why you think they won’t be received well. Without seeing it all play out, I’m neutral on them myself.

Can you explain that last bit? Why do you think they’ll rage-quit?

I don’t like it, but I don’t dislike it, either. I have no idea why this is. So I guess it’s just okay to me? I can’t really explain it.

While I’ve enjoyed every episode so far, I do think Filoni’s are the weakest. I don’t know if it’s just his lack of live-action directing experience or what.

I’m sure how well it’s received will let us know quickly. If it’s a standout like their Stranger Things, we’ll get more. If it’s just okay, two or three.


To be fair, those were human-eating teddy bears and they didn’t defeat the Walkers with rocks and sticks, but with heavy, strategically placed logs.

Save for the stunt work, it’s actually Pedro. There are BTS photos floating about of him with the helmet off and such.

I enjoyed the episode very much. As we go along, Filoni’s Episode I is probably still my least favorite, though still a solid start to it all. I’m confident he’ll get better.

It’s scary how much this fandom dissects, and usually for the negative. Save for Finn, the rest don’t know that the First Order flies now.