Adrian Avelar

Sydney Sweeney's up there somewhere for me.


To be fair, those were human-eating teddy bears and they didn’t defeat the Walkers with rocks and sticks, but with heavy, strategically placed logs.

Save for the stunt work, it’s actually Pedro. There are BTS photos floating about of him with the helmet off and such.

But didn’t the last season of Game of Thrones just win a bunch of awards recently? And that was the most divisive thing I’ve seen since Last Jedi. 

Yeah, the guy above was after the muffed punt.

Ugh. Beat me by like 6 and a half hours.

Warriors didn’t shit the bed. Two of their three best players got injured at the wrong time.

Ain't life a bitch?

Admittedly, I wasn’t much of a fan of his, but he seems like a good guy and it’s a bummer all his injuries led to this. Definitely a rough go.

I loved that initial backstory of Boba Fett as Jaster Mereel. He was so cool to me.

I hope so. For his sake.

I forgot what analyst it was, but I remember people comparing CP3 with Kobe, how demanding and no-nonsense they both were. “Mamba Mentality.”

Rumors are that teams are calling for that #4 so they may not be done just yet.

Warriors in 5.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Are you sure you’re not just mentally factoring in the cost for emotional damage and/or distress?

So is it just trolling, then? People, not just you, looking for a “fight?” I only get a comment in a day, if that, so I’m not as well-versed.

I don’t get it. Why are you so condescending and belittling with the name calling and the happy faces and winks? Not sure that’s necessary in debate.