Adrian Avelar

Eh. I like Last Jedi, so from that perspective, it could definitely be worse.

Wait ‘til they see those old quotes of his about Return of the Jedi!

I’m not sure how much it all means. Rockets beat the Warriors 3 out of 4.

I don’t know. Their front office seems so solid that it wouldn’t surprise me if they just recruited another outstanding player.

Can you imagine what a ring would do to Chris Paul’s ego and entitlement? 

Is the “landing zone” rule sort of negated when the player jumps from one spot and lands a few feet ahead? Seems like a legit no-call instance.

If you’re looking, you can see Ghost in the promo for next week’s episode.

Warriors in 5.

Yes. Yes, they do.

Got to marry Natalie Dormer for a while, tho!

I was enjoying it immensely 'til I saw that Lance stepped on his foot. Killed it a little for me.

“Nothing will fuck you harder than time.” I think is how it goes?

If that's Feige, imagine Iger.

Or the part where they tried to cover a bunch of shit up?

Warriors in 3 ½.

Warriors in 5.

Would Samsung’s QLED be better then? In terms of avoiding burn-in?

Would Samsung’s QLED be better then? In terms of avoiding burn-in?

And that’s about the gist of it.

“I’m not new to this, I’m true to this” is my favorite part.

If I’m the Pelicans, I do exactly that. I’d shut him down since he’s in the middle of an injury anyway, and wait ‘til July when Boston can get into the trade mix.