Adrian Avelar

I think I’m one of the few that was indifferent with all the options. I leaned more on them bringing Gunn back in full, but I’m not losing any sleep over the final decision. I’ve enjoyed both Guardians. The first more than the second.

I recently heard about some photos of Gunn at a party but I haven’t seen anything.

Huh. To each their own. They look pretty good to me.

I like Filoni fine, but I sure hope not.

That’s why I always get a kick out of those people who say Alabama should play the Browns. Like ... no, bro. Someone on Alabama would get killed. 

I predict Gal’s voice performance will also be stiff.

Funnily enough, I think Amell is good more often than not. Benoist is probably the best just because she’s adorable. Lotz is bad. Gustin’s a’ight.

This is the CW we’re talking about here.

I was going to say she wasn’t bad in John Wick 2, but then I remembered that she doesn’t actually talk in that movie.

Does anyone else wish this was being done by a good actress?

Interesting. Isn’t she super tiny, though? Not sure if that’d matter.


As if this will actually come to fruition.

You seem angry about something ...


It took my second viewing for me to catch that little Easter egg. I must not have been paying attention to her speech during the first one.

Rebecca Ferguson has already been cast.

Absolutely nothing!

Isn’t the actual term inconsistent in real life, too, though? Outside of comic book fans who believe it’s just the one way?

I guess I’m the only NBA fan out there that has no problem whatsoever with what KD did. Plus, his trashing of CJ was hilarious.