Adrian Avelar

Not feelin' it.

By the time that battle was sent into space, Scott and Hope would still be grounded in San Francisco somewhere, no?

Nah. I stand with you.

But how many cops did Oak take down before they finally arrested him?

Do you think they’ll ever be able to look there and see what’s underneath?

I hang my shirts in the backwards question mark because I'm a lefty.

I certainly hope it’s not retconned. I already know we’ll have to agree to disagree, but all of Rey’s accomplishments and abilities have worked for me.

I mean, the moment Vader threatens his sister, Luke jumps on him with murderous rage. So when he looks into Ben’s dark thoughts and sees that he’ll bring death and destruction to everything he holds dear, he has a fleeting moment of weakness that admittedly he feels shame for. Seems consistent to me.

Ah. Thank ya.

Nice! Might you have any info on that Cherokee? My apologies if I missed it somewhere.

The original background for Boba Fett in Tales of the Bounty Hunters is still my favorite. But alas, George had his own ideas for him, and rightfully so.

As a Lakers fan ... Dude. We’ve been in damn near half the Finals since 2000.

And if I’m running the Warriors, I happily pay that luxury tax every year so long as we’re winning.

Michael’s Hank at the beginning of Ant-Man is still one of the most impressive version of this that I’ve seen. Kurt’s was pretty good, too.

Personally, Tarkin doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I know it’s not real, but I don’t have a strong reaction to it negatively. I even like it, mostly.

We need Venom to come out, crash and burn, and put an end to Sony’s standalone madness! STAT!

I mean, he does milk it before drinking.

Hold up. Since when is titty sucking bad?

Just curious, who is the Lucasfilm Story Group member that hinted at that? Also, just curious, what if it does come to pass?

To be fair, she had two big trailers come out this week and both roles are pretty opposite.