Adrian Avelar

Calm down! After taxes, it’s probably only a little under $200 mil.

I was sober, but I was probably one of the few in my section.

“Their fans, unlike Cleveland fans, are trash. Human trash.”

Only the co-produced stuff. Until mentioned otherwise, Venom and the Black Cat/Silver Sable film that’s now on hold are completely separate.

Um. Wait. Isn’t Star Wars dead or something? 

As the debate over Last Jedi still rages on, I think it sort of eclipsed any excitement or even just general discussion for Solo. 

That’s along the lines of how I think, too.

I do think Solo would’ve fared better had they waited ‘til Christmas. It would’ve given more time to fix any BTS issues, advertise it longer, etc.

I’d love something post-Return and inspired by Twin Engines of Destruction, where an alive Fett hunts a doppelganger trading on his name.

Hell, even if a direct sequel is unlikely, they can always co-star in one needing scoundrels.

Where are you even getting the $600 mil? It’s $250 to 300 mil with the reshoots, plus marketing. At most, maybe $450 to 500 mil in total.

Wait. Are you assuming Christie voiced L3? Your part there confused me.

Are the B-models for the LG 4K TV’s worth it or would it make sense to spring for the E- or maybe G-models?

Are the B-models for the LG 4K TV’s worth it or would it make sense to spring for the E- or maybe G-models?

I just can’t do shows with seasons that are 20+ episodes long anymore. So I think this idea, what Agents did, seems better.

I had a good time with Deadpool 2 but I definitely prefer the first. The action scenes in the previous one seem more memorable to me. I laughed, but not as much.

I find myself thinking that the first film just did a lot of things better than this one. I can’t say if it’s good or bad that the credits scene is my

He used to be! But not in his last two outings. Now, I don’t think a Batman standalone would hit a billion dollars until a sequel.

For the most part, the first half of a game should be the opposing team just preparing for Golden State’s routine third quarter onslaught.

No, sir, I don’t like it!

It wasn’t even an A-game by the Warriors and they still won by double-digits. Crazy.

Wasn’t the second Alice in Wonderland also dead on arrival? I do believe the first made over a billion as well.