Adrian Avelar

Seems to happen all the time where I venture online. They get invited to all sorts of premieres, say they had a good time, but still give criticize freely.

For me, t seems very similar to the initial reactions I saw to Rogue One, where some mentioned the pacing and first act issues.

Mid-50's, give or take.

This is about where D’Antoni and Harden mess it all up. And Paul’s never been this far.

Diane Lane, tho.

I definitely liked her hair best in Winter Soldier. I also liked the way the material looked, and the way the belts sat on her. It’s hard to describe. Haha

If you don’t mind my asking, why Black Widow in Civil War? For myself, I prefer the look of her suit in Winter Soldier for some reason.

No worries! It’s just sad that it’s hard to tell nowadays. But yeah, I think it looks like a good time. Small stakes, but fun at the same time.

Do you mean that in jest or are you accusing me of being a shill? The community has gotten so toxic it’s really hard to tell nowadays.

Still diggin’ the Western vibe of it all. I think it’s going to be a fun time at the movies and I’m excited for Donald’s Lando and Alden’s Han.

Huh. I like the film, but to each their own, of course.

I’m probably in the minority on this, but I didn’t particularly like Shannon as Zod. I thought Faora was way more interesting.

If Resistance can do for Phasma what I feel Clone Wars did for Anakin, then I’m all for it, to be honest.

For me, both.

Can you name, say, five blockbuster or tentpole films that are necessary?


Cavs certainly won, but it took that sort of effort out of LeBron to do it. And they only won by 3. It’s going to be interesting to see how the Pacers hold things at home.

It’s written by JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio, I believe.

Whether it be the issues here, or with Solo, or even Pegg’s comments yesterday, I think there’s plenty of fun and interesting debates to be had. That said, these conversations also attract a lot of toxicity from those wanting to prove certain points, no matter which side of the fence they’re on.

I think the sympathizers are going to come in. From other sources, I know that the Republic fleet was made smaller and that systems could have their own fleets.