This season was excellent, maybe even better than season 1. I really wanted it to win and I was SHOCKED that Kirsten Dunst lost.
This season was excellent, maybe even better than season 1. I really wanted it to win and I was SHOCKED that Kirsten Dunst lost.
Absolutely. I think it’s outrageous that she won. It’s almost offensive to me. Not only was Queen Latifah amazing but Kirsten Dunst’s performance in Fargo made me repeatedly say “holy shit Kirsten Dunst can act?”
Kate Hudson is sooo high.
Jonah Hill just telegraphs that sense of ‘trying too hard’. Like, he surrounds himself with his apparent friends, who all radiate natural charisma, where he’s juuuuust sweating to keep up. It seems exhausting.
I am 99% sure that everyone involved in the Golden Globes is drunk and or high. That explains the nominees, eventual award winners, and the behavior of the celebrities during the actual awards show.
That joke was hilarious the first time someone’s grandpa posted it on Facebook 10 months ago. (Not really, though.)
Millennials are each a special flower.
Also, the post about Paris didn’t mention anything about what Paris is or the history of France. What up, Jezebel?
After reading that article about women on gawker, it’s hard not to hear WEMMIN B LIKIN CELEBRITIEZZZZZZZZZ all over this announcement.
I was born to a 47 year old man. I am in my mid 30s. His dad was 40 plus too. It isn’t perfect - re: health - but my older father was far more attentive than a lot of younger fathers I knew. He wasn’t interested in going to the pub with his friends or playing sport over family etc. Done all of that before. What you…
Yep - texted my almost-70-year-old dad after reading this thread. I’d have called him, but he’s 2 hours ahead and he’s probably fallen asleep fully clothed, surrounded by the week’s newspapers and coupons.
I’m 30, my mom is 71, and my dad is turning 80 (I’m adopted). Try not to think about it. It does get to me sometimes, but ... yeah, it’s hard. Try not to think about it.
Nope, this is reasonable. I’m 25 and my dad is 75. I don’t have a strong drive to have children, but I do freak out about wanting to decide sooner rather than later. A lot of people don’t think about this if they didn’t have older parents.
Maybe it’s time they just caw the whole thing off.
JOSEPH”(of Bible,& Amazing Tech.Dream Coat)
why should she? looks good on her and if she has it checked regularly she doesn’t need to worry about skin cancer.
Is it wrong that my first thought is that Gwen traded down? Like, waaaay down.