
Most things about roasts don't necessarily offend me if the jokes are in good taste - obvious exceptions to the blatant racism and homophobia referenced here - but the thing that really makes roasts unwatchable for me is the over-the-top, completely unbelievable reactions from the crowd and committee of roasters. I

My mom passed away about 16 months ago and, since then, I have had a recurring dream that she isn't really dead and either faked her death to get out of her debts or that "death" is just a nebulous and theoretical concept. Last night I dreamed that she showed up at my dad's nursing home unexpectedly and it was just

That is so awesome! I sat with my mom on her death-bed and, even then, she looked so different even from when I last talked to her "healthy" two weeks before, which was - of course - worlds away when she was actually healthy. My mom was cremated, so I was the only one in the family to see her after she passed. In a

But they took the early seasons off! They only have 8 and on now.

NOOOOOO! Don't you dare call that show awful. It was, in fact, Ed. John Slattery also played the principal of the school, Dennis Martino, who was Ed's rival for the affections of his HS dreamgirl, Carol Vessey (played by Julie Bowen.) AND Ginnifer Goodwin and Justin Long played the nerdy teenagers who hung out in

I have a strange magnetic relationship with cats akin to the Bird Lady in Home Alone 2. Like strays collect at my feet. But I have met a few chihuahuas recently that liked me and cuddled with me, etc. I guess I just crave attention. I get it, I give it.

I feel like I turned from a hypothetical crazy cat lady into a moderately normal dog person as of the last few weeks/months. I even stopped thinking Chihuahuas are totally weird and evil. I think I just want a dog to make faces at me so I can learn how to have emotions. Is this maybe moderately normal or at least not

I word-vomitted a much more intense post @Quirky . I agree with you whole-heartedly, but I see that it comes down not only to a person's knowledge and capability, but their exposure to the written word after primary education. It turns out that some incredibly intelligent people don't read a lot of the written word

I think about phonetics all the time when I labor over misspellings. I always think back to first grade and basic instruction about hard and soft vowels, etc. It seems so basic to me.

i think that's what i wasn't quite putting my finger on last night. the type of art makes the whole thing seem cheaper which made it go from titillating art to just titillating.

Below the knees are not shorts. You're either in Limp Bizkit or you are wearing capris. Either way - #GETOUT and, on the way out, show us your knees.

No suggestions. I don't consider myself to be all that sexual. I just know I didn't like those. They seemed to be particularly fabulist. If I was a person with a keen eye for the erotic, however, I'd much prefer more normal situations than the overly pornographic depictions referenced above.

A MILLION TIMES YES. Spreading this word is like my life's purpose. I even hate the Turnpike above Exit 11. I have many friends from college who came to NJ from other states (VA, CA, CT, MA, etc. - "prettier" states) and stayed. A handful recently shared a Buzzfeed post about NJ and were like, "For those of you who

Girl, you can do other things than Les Toil.That site doesn't rub me the right way. I'm 28, 5'7" and and usually an 18. I have ranged in the last year between 205 and 220. The pictures I saw on Les Toil seemed pretty seriously overtly objectifying, which I think is a far leap from the pics in the original post (which

I once learned that parts of South Jersey (Cape May especially) would have been south of the Mason-Dixon if extended laterally. I stood by that for a long time. But now that I'm in Philly, I'm accustomed to "y'all" a little more. ;) The best I can say is that my freshman roommate in college was from Williamstown and

And "full-on fight you" was also meant to be a joke. I have always had a penchant for making jokes/sarcasm seem terrible and mean. Ask anyone I've alienated in real life. Maybe that's a CJ genetic fault. Or it's in our water, like cancer or baseball ability in Toms River in the '90's.

Apologies, then. Whiskey + 28 years of defending "Central Jersey" = some vitriol. Some vitriol becomes a great deal of it when combined with my admitted persecution complex.

Same to you? Kinda seems like you commented to instigate. Perhaps I should not have added, "Look at a map." For that, I'll say it was uncool. Otherwise, comment stands.

uhhh... same to you?

I think it is sweet too, but was playing devil's advocate only so slightly. I thought about how it would look even if a "straight-sized" pin-up were in it. It would still be the same effect. Let's not forget also that this "model" is not too far off from the Christina Hendricks/Joan Holloway thing that the mainstream