
came for this, left happy.

Crimson Slide

+ 3/5ths?

As soon as the Knicks are good enough to get a 3-1 lead in the playoffs, I’m sure they’ll blow it.

Well, Bob, I wouldn’t say he’s MISSING the Knicks game.

Don’t give in to your anchor. It’ll weigh you down.

Some fo’c’sle have a problem with whatever you choose to do.

Take a bow for that one.

I’m not the prowed one here.

You catamoron

Maybe one of these days I will come about.

Schooner or later, you’ll appreciate these nautical puns.

I feel like there was something here I didn’t ketch.

Just skipper over it next time.

Damn it Petchesky. I’m tired of your junk.

Quoth the Raven, nevermore.

Alternate headline: Fundamentalists afraid of fundamentalists.