
Article from Bill Simmons throwing his hat in the ring for the job in 3...2...1...

Do the Knicks fans know that B-easy loves Sponge Bob? Because he does.

The only hand selecting they are doing for those roasts is when someone picks it up to put it in the cooler to ship. “Grain finished” makes me lol.

Probably at least a IV because they have been around for a while.

I only know them because they summer on the Vineyard.

Or any name not sounding like Whitey McWealthywhite

I thought you meant 6 fouls in 10 continuous minutes of play. Now that would be impressive.

You are like the second person I have heard of that actually received Snake Mountain. It didn’t get kept like a family heirloom, did it?

What if the pie was baked into the cake?

You’ve probably answered this before but best Christmas gift received? Mine is a tie between the Millennium Falcon and the NES.

I know they are picked for this very reason but I love, absolute love, the letters that call someone stupid and then proceed to use wrong words, incorrect spelling, etc.

Red eye out of Vegas after a night of no sleeping/drinking/debauchery. Started getting the sweats and dizzy before we pushed away from the gate. Couldn’t get any water to drink before we were above 10,000. I thought I was absolutely going to die right then.

Do you put the bacon grease in with the bacon, or just the bacon?

I put together a freaking mini trampoline one year. After that, no more I said, this will be done before Dec. 24th. *ONE YEAR LATER* This dollhouse is taking forever to put together, and what if the hammering wakes up the kids? I’m NEVER doing this again. Etc.

I thought maybe Dennis was the unpaid intern. I see I was close.

Timeline for gift prep:

I keep pointing out that Currie has never hired a football coach and his only major coaching move was to force a well liked Frank Martin out and hire Bruce Weber.

Meanwhile, his uncle Bald Bull has committed to beating Little Joe every time to meet.

I don’t know if I am grayed here or not but would appreciate to not be. Thanks.

I have never tried the foil on the grate trick. I will now.