
I’ve seen this movie before. The Sluggies are going to win just enough to cruise through the trade deadline without dealing any of their players and then boom. They will fold quickly and probably not even make the playoffs. So long players that could have been traded for something, even a bag of magic beans. I hope

That is seriously like the only person I’ve ever heard say don’t rest your meat. I guess that is what makes cooking great. Each person has their own way of making food they think is good.

And 5 minutes a side is too long for flank steak. 3-4 over high heat is perfect. And don’t forget to score one side of it so it doesn’t curl. And for god’s sake, let your meat rest before slicing. At least 10 minutes.

There’s always next year.

I’m a guy who likes cars but is not a wrencher by any means. I have a ‘66 Mustang that needs work but I want to get it up and running for my kids who are roughly 5 years away from driving. Do I frustrate the hell out of myself and work on it with them as a bonding experience or do I just pay someone to do it and

Thank you for writing this. You are right, everyone does have a story and they need to be told. This was a tragic, but wonderful story that needed telling.

Full on alabaster is the worst. You like like a fragile piece of china.

Now that I know what I would look like in a MMA ring I won’t be trying it out anytime soon. I would thing the mouthguard would be more slimming.

Are there going to be any more video Foodspins?

Well, he is from Lawrence...

You are 100% correct. Bad taek makers are bad.

My daughter and I were both crying at the end of Vol. 2.

I loved that controller until it speedily slipped from my hand after I accidentally saved over 10 hours of Final Fantasy. The D-pad never worked the same.

As someone who has dipped, chewed, cut the snus, whatever you call it, I am interested in artisanal tobacco. I have been clean for about five years now but this has caught my attention. I wonder if my wife would buy the more healthy aspect of it.

Welcome back, Burneko, we’ve missed you. I have now been chastised enough to start finishing my plates.

Countdown to Simmons becoming a Lakers season ticket holder (because the Big Baller Brand intrigues him) starts in 3...2...1...

When asked about using birth control, the stud only replied neigh.

I am a lightweight day drinker, but it is nice to have a few red beers during the late morning, early afternoon and then coast until evening.

Summer beers are the best. Cheap beer, vodka and lemonade served over ice. Think I’ll have one tonight.

What is the best ballpark food? The classic hotdog or peanuts? Or maybe the souvenir batting helmet filled with pulled pork nachos.