
The Pompeii plasters of kids get me every time

But that is losing yourself in the history. Wondering what happened to them, who loved them, how much did they mean to the community. Why was the fourth child buried like that, what sad story could explain it.

Hurons? Or did that name mean anything that far back?

Makes you appreciate why it was so radical when Jesus said in the afterlife, the least shall become the greatest, and the poor shall inherit the Earth.

I recall doing the faunal analysis for 1500 year old First Nations site in southern Ontario (about 35 years ago), and finding a puppy skeleton in close proximity to a child burial. Company in the afterlife I assume, but tough luck for the puppy.

Glad I’m not the only one. It doesn’t matter that so much time has passed - they were still children and died too soon.

Folks in charge have money for a good burial which means a chance for the Egyptian afterlife.

To me kids are kids. Doesn’t matter what century, sad anyways.

Sometimes I can’t lose myself in the history. Sometimes it’s just looking at dead kids and feeling bad for them and their families.