Ebola stil in Africa

Staying in the US, lawyering up and going before a Court would not have allowed him to make a case for himself.

He’s not a terrorist, he’s a true patriot for exposing the lies YOU were being fed from the government. That’s the problem with America. Not enough people stand up to the government to make real change. We could learn a lot from the Europeans. Their government is afraid of them, not the other way around.

Your one black male friend and your one black female friend are not “perfect for each other”.

If you see a black woman with a fair skinned-blue eyed child, do not ask her if she wants to pick up some “extra” nanny work.

  • yes we can be friends. NO, that doesn't mean you get to say the N word.

• there’s a very real possibility my family got here before yours but for VERY different reasons

Don’t ever, ever be this guy (he is super-white):

101.) just because a police officer gave you a stern talking-to for speeding in your dads Beemer without his knowledge doesn’t mean you know what it’s like to fear the police.

  • We do not all looks the same

“Mouth closed, ears open.”

I feel like this could be much more beneficial.

There are other spices besides pumpkin.

2.) On the news, your half-assed conjecture on the experiences of minorities is not more important than the shared perspective of the minorities themselves.

1-101. You're white. You already know everything.

“The difference between an IRA and a Roth IRA is...”

  1. Don’t put up signs filled with harmful, thinly-veiled stereotypes masquerading as “advice.”
  1. Don’t play kindly slavemaster and pretend you know what’s best for black and brown people.
  1. reverse racism is not a thing, both in a semantic sense and a JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, HAVING ORGANIZATIONS FOR PEOPLE OF COLOR IS NOT RACIST, YOU IDIOTS sense

“101 Things White Boys & Girls should know” ... Let’s have ‘em