Ebola stil in Africa

Oh, to be the wives, Girlfriends or SO's of those politicians... "Oh, of course it doesn't exist, honey. No, really, just missionary does it for me."

So, his Wiki page has been updated with this important life discovery:

Also, according to some media sources, when the Imam told women to step back, hundreds of them went and carried her coffin, and led the funeral prayer themselves.

Actually, by the end of his life (and you can read this in his autobiography) Malcolm X was beginning to change his mind about race and his approach to gaining equality for African-Americans.

What he was? You mean a man who was probably more readily able to admit his own flaws than either you or I? I can nary think of another historical or political figure who was as capable of nuanced thought or as willing to publicly own up to his past mistakes as Malcolm X.

I'm a law student and just came back from Dilley, Texas, where I was one of the first pro bono legal representatives for the women and children detained there. If you are as outraged as we are, please consider helping out our newly formed non-profit, which will help these women post bond:

Look at this shit. Look at how awful these messages to him are.

For those who prefer to write (all emails are kept anonymous):

It really is quite tragic to see. It's hidden away at the bottom of many pages.

Here's a post from his tumblr.

One of my students today said "back when we lived in a patriarchal society." I straight up interrupted him to observe that we very much still live in a patriarchal society.

All that having to be a million times better at jobs than men to be taken seriously....