Some folks write songs about men who piss them off, other species are a bit more direct.
This owl does seem particularly lost.
I feel like I should wonder how Owl_is_lost feels about this whole news story, much in the way that people seem to worry about how Adultosaur will feel about Taylor Swift.
One time my friend, who worked for her dad but also other places said "Mark, I have a crush on my boss and I don't know what to do."
I don't know know I had very real fantasies of running him through with a sword and turning the book into a create your own adventure where my cat was my sidekick.
Quality Tumblr post:
Just before his eyeballs melt I'll be like 'HEY CHRISTIAN AM I DOING THIS BDSM THING RIGHT'
We are just a week away from the release of the Fifty Shades of Grey film and I really think we all need to take a…
Do not do that. I knew a guy once who painted his bathroom bright cherry red and it GLOWED from under the door. Horrifying.
Furthermore, let us all be thankful that Christian Grey is not real, because the fictional Christian Grey is a creepy, abusive stalker who gaslighted and raped his girlfriend, and we already have enough terrible dudes like that in the world.
I want Christian Grey to be real so that I can throw him into a volcano. You can throw a book into a volcano but it isn't the same.
It's neutral because that's all the Anastasia is. Bland and neutral. Besides if she went out in red lipstick Christian would probably call her a whore and then stalk her even more to find out who she's seeing.
I get it, E.L. James' writing is so expressive and realistic that perhaps Christian Grey truly did come alive for you in your imagination.
I'm not saying don't support the film, but make your purchasing decisions with the crystal clear knowledge that nothing you buy will ever bring you any closer to this man—he is fictional.
That soap looks diseased.
Yup. You seem to have a great understanding of the purpore of this article. A+ for you. Good job.
This is my favorite jezebel thing ever. EVER.
This is so cute! Haha I was talking to my husband the other day about something and the subject came up of how I usually just bring my makeup pouch with me to work and put it on at my desk if I want to put on makeup that day (I wear very little or none most days). He actually said "Sorry to be the one to tell you…
It's a well-known secret that men hate it when we wear makeup and/or outwardly express our personalities. It's…