Ebola stil in Africa

Yes, it is very bad. Saying it is a suicide bombing makes it into something like, I don't know, SUICIDE?!?!

Please remove the suicide bombing part of the article, it was reported on salon and a few other sources that she took her life at the last moment just to make sure she wasn't taken alive.

I read the name of the school as Grand Pirate......... 😂

Shared to BT ok?

hey new staffer! ☺☺☺

Whew! Finally found you ☺

That makes sense. meat? Why? ????

What an energetic child! Lovely! Good video.

The community leaders aren't supporting the curfew cuz they thinks it's right. They is doing this because they knows, that the curfew is a trap. Those who protest after it, wil be either jailed, or shot. He is encouraging the youth and protesters to stay away, because they are the target here. This is a strategic

Antonio french isn't supporting the curfew cuz he thinks it's right. He is doing this because he knows, and the community leaders know, that the curfew is a trap. Those who protest after it, wil be either jailed, or shot. He is encouraging the youth and protesters to stay away, because they are the target here. This

Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world like that where everything is fair? I think if we all were equal, then we wouldn't fight so much. Then everyone could truly call any other person their family, it would be a wonderful world wouldn't it?

What makes you think the world is fair? I don't really want fairness, just an easier life. Having children CERTAINLY seems to help in that regard. I can now stay up for whole 22 hours for days at a time.

There are sites like that make gif from youtube videos.

I think the best thing you all can do for your sites is hire a moderator. The comments will improve. Your feed back will improve. The authors will write better.

My 4th is 1 and ran around when she was 9months. She's climbing things with her sisters now. Possibly part alien, nothing human is so cute or has such a forceful personality.

hahaha yes, I assume without prejudice that she is cool inside-out!