Ebola stil in Africa

And then he got them back but forgot one........

Marry me?

please remove this xtra post mods

Why is everyone laughing at her anyway? And why is Bethanny(or is it bethenny?) going on about innocence and why is she so inarticulate in the beginning?

I will support you and I would really like to know what the hell made the women in the audience laugh. Because I can't really find anything funny. Anywhere.

Ok . I agree.

You know Miley has done half of the feminist equation: Doing what she wants.

The word and identity-marker of "feminist" is very fraught and

But as far as an elementary school level understanding of feminism goes, it works, I guess.

Organisms evolve due to aggressive competions with other organisms and its environment. Period.

Best thing i heard today. Nah, ever.

So thats what stone old balls look like.Guess he nailed it!

I have never seen such amazing art. EVER.

This whole situation sounds riddled with bad feelings and underlying drama. Sounds like the lagging firefighter may not have made herself allies among the other women, or made herself good allies among the examiners, or whatever. Anyway, it sounds like there is a lot of resentment. Are there ever any male candidates

I don't care, because I'm very right.

Let us all join hands, Light a candle .

Thanks for the nightmares!

10$ theres a dead body buried there.

A dead teddy bear hanging by its neck from the belly of a uh dead toy. NOT CREEPY. At ALLL.