
A friend of mine did something similar in training for one together and her boyfriend asked a number of us to be there for the proposal.  We thought it would be a nice thing and expected him to run alongside her and propose at the line after they had crossed.  But nah.  He apparently just blasted by her from the gun. 

Oh, no, not this guy – the guy who proposed to his girlfriend after she won a silver medal IN THE FREAKING OLYMPICS.

Hey folks! I just wanted to point out that the fine people at Does the Dog Die? have a comprehensive list of flags regarding various triggers and semi-spoilers for all sorts of red flags that people might care about. If you have specific things that might make a movie a no-go, I’d recommend checking them out.

Dude did this in public in front of news cameras and was written about by various news agencies. Others have just as much right to say their opinion about his actions as he does to perform said actions on the first place. “How about we not tell people how to live their lives? Unless you are writing an article on

Who’s telling them how to live their lives? Nobody’s showing up on her doorstep forcing her to give the ring back, we’re a bunch of random internet commenters who (in general) disapprove for a variety of reasons.

I would pay to see one of these women shoulder check the bf/fiance and keep going. I mean, not even break pace.

“an even bigger prize”

Read this story with a growing sense of horror throughout at the complete disaster it’ll cause. But for me, the bit that sums it up the most is this quote from the woman who’s responsible:

The story of her marathon will now be the story of his proposal.”

Proposed as a 28th Amendment to the Constitution: No white shenanigans. Should “shenanigans” be called, a vote shall be taken among all affected minorities. If the call is confirmed, the shenanigans shall be cancelled and all white folk in the relevant area shall be disenfranchised for a period of ten years.

It’s not about Cheesecake Factory though right, like that’s just the thing they can say in (what I will call, for lack of a better word) polite conversation.

Yeah.  I have run a couple shorter ultras (never run a marathon) and done a bunch of triathlons.  At the end of a long race, loved ones and volunteers will ask me what I need or if they can get me anything, and I can do little more than grunt and try not to fall down on them.

I urge everyone to hit the link and read the story in full. It absolutely scrambled my damn brain when I read it.

I love watching videos of proposal rejections. 

I feel the same way about proposing right after a college graduation. Let women have their accomplishments!

Wow. She was probably calculating how much time she was wasting even as she was saying yes.

This has my abuse flags popping all the fuck up. This is a textbook narcissistic thing to do - something “nice” that’s “for” someone else, but executed in a way that absolutely steals focus from her, derails a legitimate accomplishment she’s worked very hard for, all while maintaining this air of plausible deniability

Every time I hear about a guy proposing during a race or at the finish line, I instantly hate him. Way to make her hard work and accomplishment all about you, dude. Way to not give her a minute to shine in her own spotlight.  You ever notice how seldom a guy will propose at his own race?

God, especially when it’s in front of and speaking for people perfectly capable of thought but not capable of voicing those thoughts.

“But what about the comfort she giv-”
No. Lying to you for money is a scam, even when it’s a pleasant lie. May this woman never sleep again for what shes done to these families