The only reason there are less men at the college because men aren’t applying.
The only reason there are less men at the college because men aren’t applying.
Why would you slander teenage girls like this?
Back in the day, Slate used to have the Double XX blog. There was one entry by a man, and I really did lose my shit.
As much as I can’t wait for the end of LePage’s term, that’s just one last “fuck you” to my home state. You spend years fucking it up and embarrassing us on a national stage, then leave as soon as you’re out of power. I hope he chokes eating lunch at Mar-A-Lago.
REMEMBER FLORIDA: I have been President of the United States for almost two years. During that time Senator Bill Nelson didn’t call me once. Rick Scott called constantly requesting dollars plus for Florida. Did a GREAT job on hurricanes. VOTE SCOTT!
I’m on edge, nauseated and just filled with dread. Someone said today it’s exactly 10 years ago that Obama was elected and I just can’t. I remember going to bed then and not being able to sleep because I was exhilarated and flushed with hope and optimism. Now, again, I’m unable to sleep, but this time it’s because I’m…
What little faith I had left in my fellow Americans was pretty much extinguished in 2016. So, yeah, I’m kind of expecting to wake up Wednesday to either a still Republican House, or that Democrats did indeed win it, but the GOP federal govt refuses to recognize it (see: Kemp in Georgia) and declares martial law and…
I love how because it’s 2018 now, my main thought on this is “please just don’t let this asshole end up with a DoE position at any point in the future”.
I’m avoiding all news sites until around 5pm PST tomorrow; because I know if I don’t I’ll just end up giving myself a stroke.
What a big fucking surprise, he’s one of those assholes at the American Enterprise Institute.
I wonder if they will make the same efforts to tackle discrimination when it favours men? Many colleges make it harder for women to gain admittance in an effort to maintain a gender balance in the student population.
fuck all men with a rusty chainsaw.
I wish I had a dollar for every “wife of” and “mother of” identifiers I’ve seen. I’m married, and honestly I never think of myself in terms of being a wife. I’m interested in sociology, and if I had the time I’d do some deeper research and write a book about this bizarre hive-mind.
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against white people commenting on The Root mindfully. But some people don’t do that, which is what I meant by troll.
My husband moved the last of his stuff out this weekend. It’s been a month since he surprise announced his intent to divorce and it feels like he’s been moving at lightning speed. The house feels empty and it’s really beginning to sink in that this is happening and I’m going to be progressing through life without him…
She trolls The Root from time to time, but Jez is different so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I give my students Staedtler 3B pencils because they have a good range of value (darks and lights) and are soft and rich. Treat yourself to the Staedtler sharpener too. And I recommend finding classes in your area if you can- colleges often have figure drawing courses that are open to the public, and your local arts…
My open-heart surgery is officially scheduled for December 11, barring me coming down with the flu or something. So yeah. NOW I’m scared.
Obviously it was held over until today in celebration of my birthday. I’m 48. Yikes.