
No, women don’t do the same stuff as men given the chance. Women have the exact same chance as men to, for example, buy guns and go on shooting sprees but are 50% of the people who do that women? Your self-perceived experience doesn’t trump actual facts.

Or when people are already reporting about the weird connections between your father and Russia. Unless you don’t think the rules apply to you...

I waded into comment sections on other sites today (because I temporarily lost my mind), and they are complaining about Mrs. Robinson’s apparently monumental expense. It makes no sense, but then, neither does supporting Trump(s).

Don’t you ever underestimate a Trump supporter’s ability to squeeze “But Clinton...” into any conversation, about literally any topic.

A bagman is a person designated to collect or distribute illicitly gained money, such as bribes to public officials or money that is collected in a criminal enterprise, such as a “protection racket” or in the running of a numbers racket. A bagman may also act as an intermediary in such transactions. “Bagman” is also a

Unfortunately Republicans are too busy investigating the leaks rather know..very possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Never forget: Ivanka is the bag man for the Trump crime family.

Great, another fraudulent Trump in the WH. Remember when she was “the voice of moderation”, the one person he’d listen to, the “sensible” one who’d rein in daddy’s worst tendencies? Yeah, about was all fucking horseshit. She sits there doing a more subtle version of daddy’s act, always with the hands and the

Shut up. Why are all these men here shitting on women today? Get the fuck out, you have the rest of the internet to go be shitty on.

Yeah, I mean I think it is a combination. It’s a scary thought to think that within each of us is the capacity to do awful things. But at the same time, social conditioning does play a huge role in who abuses who, and who we allow to abuse who with impunity. And that does have everything to do with power. In the same

I have the nasty suspicion that a high percentage of successful, self-made businesspeople are sociopaths. I also suspect that the drive to be famous - not to pursue professions like acting that sometimes lead to fame, but the desire for the fame part of it on its own - is something generally seen in people with a

Um, no - I went to an all girl’s school, so yeah our gender has it’s share of assholes, but getting actually groped against your will by girls is much less likely than by boys. Not that it doesn’t exist, but women tend to terrorize and brutalize each other in other ways, imho.

Rhetorical question, but: why are businesspeoplewho market themselves as edgy, hip people (and among those are women who brand themselves as feminists and use that as a marketing ploy) also fucking crazy? Grabbing your subordinate’s breast? The fuck is this shit?

That’s because women are human beings just like men, and human beings can be awful and depraved. So-called benevolent sexism/paternalism at work in the thinking that women are like children or something and therefore not capable of even the horrible things that men are more frequently thought of doing because their

I think Phyllis Schlafly would be miserable in Gilead but she’d never, ever admit it. She probably thought she’d be exempt from the misogynist policies of her husband and his ilk. No, honey, they mean you too.

I’m not buying her propaganda. If she read it, she didn’t retain it & very likely couldn’t tell you what colors the handmaids wear. Nobody who’s ever read that book hasn’t been marked by it, and nobody who’s been marked by it could ever work as hard as she’s worked to damage women’s rights and causes.

I’ve always found the ‘limited government’ except when I’m telling people what to do with their reproductive organs argument a *touch* hypocritical

Since Tomi did not read “The Handmaid’s Tale” and never will, I will answer for her! The answer is “NO,” spete, “No, Serena Joy was NOT happy in Gilead. She spent her days consumed by seething slow-burn anger because the system she worked to build turned out not to value her as a person at all, and put her out to

Did you think Serena Joy was happy in Gilead, Tomi? This is the future you’ve worked so hard to build. You’re not allowed to have opinions.

holy fuck