
Honestly, the only reason I knew how to handle it was I had run into ESGR before I went to law school - I won a law suit against someone who fired me the day after I told them I might have to deploy later in the year.

When it was the judge, I just redirected the question. When one of the staff did it (from a pre-printed list of questions the judge provided,) I pointed out that ESGR (a law) said it was illegal to discriminate on those grounds, and because the questions was worrisome, I wasn’t going to answer it directly, so they

My mind is blown that someone lends credibility to people who specifically call out that they don’t have credibility simply because they don’t act like they have it.

It’s also a reminder that deep down, republicans simply DON’T CARE if trumpie is corrupt or not. Presented with irrefutable proof, they would still support him and call us unpatriotic.

I’ve had this come up a lot in various STEM industries, including working as an engineer in power generation and in web design/development. I’ve asked interviewers if they realize that they’re breaking the law, but — as you pointed out — they’re very aware that there’s little to no recourse.

So, the Russia story is unsubstantiated? Or the dossier on Trump in particular? If it’s the latter, no one talks about it, for the most part. The media talks about collusion. And when almost every single member of Trump’s inner circle lied and one was forced to resign in disgrace before it came out he accepted $47K

People should have the right to say what they want. People do not have the right to be listened to or taken seriously. The willfully ignorant, racist, or misogynist may have the right to speak, but they don’t deserve to be heard.

As I understand it based on what I’ve read elsewhere, it’s not illegal to ask the question. It’s illegal to use the answer as a factor. So places less sneaky than Big Law tell people not to ask the question.

Yeah, no, I know. It’s still illegal, but yeah, there are no teeth to enforce it.

You simply cannot treat people differently because of they might have the ability to be pregnant, period.

It doesn’t matter. The premise is this: You’re unemployed, you’re desperate for a job, a company begins asking all sorts of questions they’re not allowed to ask... so you can answer honestly, or you can try to deflect. Your options are this: (1) If you don’t get the job, you have to hike through a magical

While it doesn’t change the fact it’s STILL ILLEGAL to ask, they weren’t one year clerkship. Two were three year appointments, and one was a long term positions, where the turnover tended to be every 4-5 years. All three judges had multiple clerks in their chambers.

They also asked if I was planning on going back into

The problem is everybody already knows it. When people like Neil Gorsuch are in power, it doesn’t matter what the law says. It matters what men think. And enough men think that women in law are just going to three years of law school so they can get a job in BigLaw for another three years ( off their school

I was asked those questions in three separate clerkship interviews. They know it’s illegal. They also know there is virtually no recourse.

Every large law firm ever asks this question during interviews. Despite how illegal it is. As a single mom, I didn’t even bother trying to get a job at a law firm. It wasn’t even worth taking the time to do interviews.

No vote on this motherfucker until Garland gets his. Period.

Big lawfirms tend to have good maternity leave benefits.

It should be pointed out, if it isn’t obvious, that it’s in fact illegal to ask women those types of questions in a job interview. So he’s not only an asshole, he lets his assholeness cloud reasonable judgement of the law.

Use the company for maternity benefits? He does realize that there are next to ZERO companies offering maternity benefits in this country right? Beside the right not to be fired for having to birth a human, and the government approved time off that I’m allowed, you know what I get from my company - ZIP. ZILCH. NADA.

Raise your hand if you’re SO tired of the bullshit.