She was f*cking amazing. I’m going to start watching her. Thanks for posting this!
She was f*cking amazing. I’m going to start watching her. Thanks for posting this!
Carl Sagan has always been my hero. I didn’t want to watch sesame street when I was young... It was all Cosmos or nothing.
Republican interview tactics:
1) Deny statistics by stating disbelief in them (because if you wish hard enough, opinion becomes fact).
2) Avoid answering questions that you don’t know the answers to (so, all of them) by simply repeating the same fucking canned answer over and over and oooooover.
Yes! I like Joy a lot too. She’s smart, rational, and assertive. A lot of the other talking heads out there could learn a few things from her, including many of her seniors.
She is amazing. She always has a stack of facts to hit people with, and she doesn’t let people wiggle out from under her questions.
I wanted her to get Greta’s slot but from what I’ve read she wants her weekend block. That interview this morning was awe inspiring. He batted him around like a cat with a mouse and made his specious argument look even more ridiculous with her onslaught of numbers and facts.
No, she’s perfect. Once Betsy DeVos starts handing down Trump Approved curriculum, that teacher is the exact person you need to teach america’s children about the 6000 year old earth, or the time Jesus rode dinosaurs, or about the time all the nasty devil worshiping fetus selling scientists went to hell for teaching…
This is for those among us that think the rural Trump supporters will wake up and smell the coffee once they notice the factories aren’t coming back and now they cannot afford the cheap healthcare ACA granted them; here’s a woman crediting Donald Trump, president for all of two months who has yet to sign a single…
They won’t be voted out. Have you been paying attention? This fucking guy got voted into office because people wanted this. Millions and millions of voters wanted this. I wish you were right; sadly, I think not.
I heard today that the number of tourists visiting the US have dropped. Combination of different factors, mostly people don’t feel welcome, they worry how they will be treated, applying for a visa is a pain in the ass and the US is just a less apealing place to visit now
Yes. You have to be a citizen to eat in a restaurant. Next time you travel to the US, make sure your papers are in order, as all dipshit waiters are ICE deputies.
“No tourist business man who tips well! You’re not welcome here because I have no idea how the hospitality industry works!”
I guess this is off the list of restaurants us Canadians can eat at. Maybe if I bring my friend who is a US citizen, he can vouch for us? IS there a Customs form we need now to eat food? I wouldn’t want to steal jobs from our southern US friends by eating at a restaurant.
They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.
Zero logic was applied there. Bigots sure are stupid.
Yes, we do that. I don’t particularly like spending time with my in laws, though they are nice people. I am the polar opposite of my MIL and she is very traditional. Husband keeps her at bay and always has my back. She asked me when we were planning to have kids (we are not close like that and I have told her many…
Congratulations! I have been married for 16 years, so here are my two cents. You and your spouse don’t need to have the same interests or hobbies. I know a lot of people who think that married people need to have those things in common, but they are irrelevant. All that matters is that you support the each other’s…
Do not call names and don’t say things you can’t take back. This is funny cause I literally posted a question begging for tips about how to deal with resentment about second shift and emotional labor. BUT we’ve been married 10 years in June and honestly we’ll get through this round of frustrations because we talk…
My mom told me: “You’re going to change. He’s going to change. In 5, 10, 20 years, he will not be the person you married and vice versa. Don’t cling to what you thought you knew or were going to be.”
Hello lovely people of Jez. In the spirit of keeping you guys posted, I underwent a breast tomosynthesis and ultrasound this week and the doctor said “I don’t see anything I worry about here”. One of the areas of interest is a cyst and the other is a clump of breast tissue. I was advised to schedule a genetic risk…