
After separating them, should they be equal?

Why not just castrate everyone? Not like you use your penis to shoot arabs.

or in Emma Watson’s case, “don’t have photos taken during a private styling session, YOU SLUT!”

Yup. And in Mischa’s case I guess it’s “Don’t ever have sex”? Fuck those people.

I only went to look for myself when I saw your comment in my feed. Ugh, disgusting.

Same. Those ‘men’ can stick their dicks in a blender.

Giz did an earlier post on this and I wanted to vomit because of the comments.

Your private parts never really belong to you when men want to look at them, after all.

Personally, I think we should decriminalize all drugs, and treat addicts as patients rather than criminals.

It is 2017, we must stop litigating marijuana. The rank hypocrisy of a culture in which we are inundated with positive and affirming messages about alcohol and demonize every thing else is pure folly. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same gender. Don’t like marijuana? Don’t consume it. Problem

According to my Israeli girlfriend, it’s pretty insulting over there, so your mileage may vary.

Fuck Just Want Privacy. They’ve been terrorizing trans Washingtonians under the guise of protecting women for years (shocking that these same assholes are also in support of WA ballot measures that would make it easier for domestic abusers to purchase firearms...).

I’ve watched my share of terrible TV over the years, but I just had no stomach for that at all. Just hated each and every one of those characters.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

And this part...

I actually watched it a fair amount when it first came on, and then quit for a long time cuz I got super busy. When I tried to watch it again years later, I was shocked at how fucking offensive every single character and joke and setup and everything is. They go for the cheap, lazy laugh every time. I’m ashamed I

Spoiler alert: men assaulting women in the bathroom (anyone assaulting anyone in the bathroom) is already illegal. It has absolutely nothing to do with letting trans people use the bathrooms for their intended purpose (you know, like all humans need to).

That show is a fucking plague.

Soooo..this was the first draft of the Big Bang Theory?