
You’re on point with this and your comment below. It just sounds ridiculous, and stopped being funny about Dec 1. If you want to be taken seriously, find another means of communicating than stupid name calling. How often did people roll their eyes when conservatives wrote “BO” or “Hussein Obama” or “Barry” or whatever

I won’t lie, cause we’re on the damn internet and who gives a fuck. Me and the hubs make 250k a year and have no debt except our house, and live in the most affordable large city in the US. It’s fucking amazing. We have literally everything we need and want, big ass house, and our kid has no idea what it’s like to go

My wife and I barely topped $80,000 last year. Together. $400k a year would be life changing, if even for a year. Alot of people work thier entire lives to have $401k for retirement. Think about that. In 2005 Donald trump made as much as 365 people worked for most of their adult lives and saved for their entire

My husband often asks what kind of car I’d want if we had unlimited money for cars. I think I’d get a Honda with a hatchback, because my dogs are big and it would be easier than the sedan I’m driving.

But it would still be a Honda. That kind of wealth does not compute.

At some point you just spend money on stupid crap you don’t really need. Bigger house. Nicer car. Nicer travel accommodations. Stuff that is objectively better but nothing that at the end of the day you’d actually remember making a significant difference in your life.

I like how you he equates CEO optimism with an across the board boost in morale. “Guys, I can’t wait to go to my abusive minimum wage retail job where I am forced to shove credit cards down people’s throats because our CEO is looking forward to scoring a new yacht for his island.”

Yeah I’ve honestly never looked at her the same way. While I understand you can fall in love with someone who is different from you politically, there are limits. THIS GUY exceeds all of them.

Usually a man’s daughters, sisters and mothers are exempt from the stud/slut dichotomy. But agreed re: douchenozzle.

Yeah, Kat Von D said that he cheated on her with like 19 women, which is a crazy number but I believe it. Two types of people I don’t trust: Trump supporters and serial cheaters who’ve had multiple marriages fail because they cheated. This guy is both.

That would be nice if it were equal opportunity, but I suspect this is like the slut/stud dichotomy.

Yep. Came here to say exactly this. Easiest comeback may be “oh you cheated on Sandra”, but I’ll stick with “oh you are that Nazi scum”.


Didn’t he also have a spectacularly large cheating scandal with Kat Von D, his girlfriend post-Bullock? Like, yes, cheating does happen sometimes and both men and women do it. But if you are serially cheating on the women in your life, and putting more effort into building lavish killing machines (which, who knew

Jesse James and Mel Gibson can go jerk each other off while staring unblinkingly in each other’s eyes while asking each other: “Don’t you think we’ve paid the appropriate price and our abominable behavior should never be spoken of again?”

I’m so sorry for this, but: Comprises! Comprises! Not “comprised of.” Something is composed of stuff, and stuff comprises something.

Preach. I’m not sitting down and having my waistband hit my (rather small) tits EVER AGAIN!

This!!!! EVERY TIME I’ve tried to shop in stores or online lately, I am inundated by these fucking off the shoulder garments, and I’m shopping at PLUS SIZE RETAILERS. Like, whoooo theeee fuck in a 22/24 or 3X is going to look cute in some shit that requires an invisible bra? My titties are 42DDD. I need straps, y’all.

I was trying to buy a cardigan online yesterday, like a regular cardigan with buttons, and I had to sift through so many “cold shoulder cardigans” which is just obnoxious. I want my cardigans to have shoulders.

Then it would be treated like the crime it is and literally every male Marine would be in hysterics about it.

Yeah I would think that, I don’t know, becoming a Marine is perhaps more difficult than just, like, not raping people? Or posting pictures on the internet without their consent? One of those involves a really high level of skill, dedication, mental fortitude, and physical fitness and the other......literally requires