
Yup. White mass shooters are mentally ill, black men who get shot are ebul dangerous criminals. Similar to how the right wing will justify any human rights abuses against illegal immigrants by shrieking”BUT THEY BROKE THE LAW!!” as if they themselves have never exceeded the speed limit or forgotten to declare

Dylan Roof was also consistently referred to as ‘mentally ill’ on tv news programs, AFTER he murdered nine African American people praying in a church because he was a self admitted white supremacist. I distinctly remember reporting about Brown including the fact that ‘he had recently committed a crime’ and the

The excuses are really more for themselves than for the cops. There’s some part of these people, deep down, that understands the systemic bigotry that leads to these killings and is terrified of the fact that they just don’t care. It’s an existential crisis at the realization that they’re only half a step away from

It is indeed awful. I am sorry for your son for the world he has to grow up in.

My half-black son was born Sept 5th, here in Kansas City, while those protests raged across the state. Because the AA communities in StL and KC are so intertwined I actually am friends with one of Micheal Brown’s cousins, and not thru my husband.

The quickness with which the talking point became “BUT HES A CRIMINAL” was unsurprising, but disgusting. We see them, the people who secretly approve of young black men being executed in our streets - they extend their bigoted claws to desperately grab any flimsy justification offered by others with similarly

The following year, Dylann Roof would get arrested with multiple weapons in his car yet he managed to come away with no bullets fired into body. He would also get to wear a Kevlar vest for protection and eat Burger King the police bought him*.

As if even violent offenders should be gunned down on the street by one-man judge/jury/executioners. It’s sickening.

America - where if you’re black, shoplifting is a death sentence.

I didn’t even fully understand how terrible US healthcare was until my partner and I started volunteering for an NGO in Colombia. I have type-1 diabetes and recently caught the flu here, which required me to spend a week in the hospital (two days of that in a special care unit). My total cost: $0.00. We’re both

In addition to the horrors you so accurately describe, there’s also the fact that outside of the highest-end genetic labs, there’s a wide range of errors that can easily take place in genetic testing. A significant percentage of studies involving genetic testing ultimately are proven to be bunk because the researchers

Well I agree that this is a scary bill but privacy issues exist in state-run systems as well. For instance here in Denmark having a history of treatment for mental illness can prevent you from getting jobs, or a driver’s license. I just always feel the need to pipe in when people start to sound a little too

Before the ACA, it was. I paid vastly more than my brothers in health insurance even WITHOUT maternity. Individual insurance was so unbelievably unfair.

And... in case anyone is confused about why we will ultimately need single-payer health care in this country, here it is! Employers, who currently hold the gatekeeper’s position for health insurance for folks under 65, WILL DISCRIMINATE against the potentially less-well as soon as they have the opportunity. The

We must all refuse. It’s that simple, people. We must refuse to take the tests and refuse to pay the fines. And it has to be all of us. We must all refuse.

This asshole just sent out the first big salvo necessary for ethnic cleansing and eugenics: Congressperson from Iowa, y’all.

The party of small government, y’all!

Wondered why that name seemed familiar. Read The Geek Feminist Revolution. I really need to read an actual novel by her. :)

If your point is fascism, having institutions that exist to bring justice to the people is contrary to advancement of your goal. 45 is an element that desires to destroy everything we understand about the modern federal government, he is doing that by appointing people to positions where they are the antithesis of

The Daily Beast reported back in September that Bharara’s office was investigating money laundering within the Russian government.

“We can’t be having anybody who’ll actually do their jobs, now.”