We are all going to die.
We are all going to die.
It may be upside down, but it looks rightside up to Spicer when he stares down his nose at it.
Uh hi? Hi? So yeah, Florida here. I haaaate to speak up because, well Florida but yeah Florida. So we kinda had a spike in leprosy cases here in 2015 because folks were eatin dem armadillas. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/health/florida-leprosy-cases-armadillos-irpt/
No suggestions from me, but I look forward to reading this series as well as the recommendations of the Jezzies. A few years ago, I started making an effort to read more stuff that wasn’t written by white males. I have come to the conclusion that white men are generally published under a lower standard than women. I…
YESSSSSSS. This is almost as great an addition to Jez as Shade Court.
They are real, and they are spectacular.
Yes!! That too. It all amounted to concern trolling while remaining clueless as to the history, purpose & scope of the strike itself. There was a lot of Jez commenters in that camp. I even read one commenter basically saying, “I am privileged enough to attend, but since some women aren’t as privileged as me and cannot…
How about never? I fucking hated this stupid movie. Cameron has done better.
Strong concur.
I think a lot of these people who criticized the strike demonstrated how US-centric their perspectives are. There’s this assumption that the people who came up with it were all middle- and upper-class women, largely white. But as as Jezebel’s great post on Latin American feminism mentioned, the idea for the…
I imagine them all writing while wearing this shirt
What the author of that email and so many others have curiously forgotten—or, more likely, never knew in the first place—is that often, resistance movements require that type of discomfort and sacrifice.
This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.
All due respect, I thin conflating the Women’s Strike to anything in the Civil Rights Movement is foolhardy. One thing that has always struck me about the civil rights movement was how damn ORGANIZED they were (and that just emphasizes how unorganized the current “resistance” is). The Montgomery Bus Boycott worked…
A lot of the privilege criticism about the strike seemed to be a race to be the wokest of them all.
He’s the asshole congressman from the southernmost district in Illinois. Reminder that this area of IL is further south than the Confederate capitol Richmond, Virginia.
I keep doing a mental circle around all those asshole republican representatives as another one who will lose their job come midterms. Let them feel the wave of our wraith come 2018!
Women are so needy when it comes to having children. They need prenatal care and ultrasounds and expensive stays in the hospital to give birth. It’s unreasonably complex and expensive. Men don’t need any of those things to have children. Why can’t women just have children the same way men do???
He probably whines about “A man’s right as a father” when it comes to abortions too. The irony is as thick as this guy’s skull.
There were plenty of stories about that before the election.