Exactly. That’s what most people haul other than RVs they use twice a year. This is all I want out of a truck. Anything heavier and you’re a contractor or at work. If work wants me to haul something they can pay for a damn truck.
Exactly. That’s what most people haul other than RVs they use twice a year. This is all I want out of a truck. Anything heavier and you’re a contractor or at work. If work wants me to haul something they can pay for a damn truck.
You just to 3D print a FITS FITS hook to fit various FITS in one spot.
That hit too close to home.
...annnnnd this is how electric cars will fail. WE need range. oh, also we no need a special Brand specific Ford/Audi/ Tesla charger if we actually want to be able to refill out cars on a journey. ..at least gasoline is universal. Hey, maybe just get a F150 and put a big ol Genset in the back. Problem solved.
Crossovers would have rode like pickup trucks back then. Not nice like todays trucks, but like OLD pickups. Harsh. Big sedans were soft and floaty. Easy peasy to turn that wheel and a seat poofier than your grandmas recliner.
Wouldn’t a key be more convenient and actually keep your items secure?
Did he just show us a ridiculously easy way to break into a Tesla Model S Frunk? It doesn’t seem that secure to be honest. Especially now that everyone knows about it.
*waiting for images to load *
“Yield to the Right” ??? ..... yes someone is confused here.
Gorgeous ! ... just stunning. I don’t ride, but this bike makes me want to.
So, can that someone jump out of the window after setting this up then? How far would it go afterwards? C’mon Consumer Reports. Inquiring minds want to know.
Safety is anti-green! Less humans in the world is more environmentally friendly.... checkmate.
I had one of these splash editions. 1997, 2.3L black with purple nurple stripes. Gutless. Always started. Always. Broke the timing belt one day driving to work. cost me $37 Cad to fix it. Let that sink in. Complete timing belt failure = $37
How much is it to paint my calipers and put new seals in? ... “oh about $1100 USD”.... oh, ok, Cool....cool....cool, cool cool cool cool.
Why couldn’t they use stick on wheel weights mounted on the inner side of the rim? Those ones on there are not even the same style from each other.