
I would like to thank everyone for their kind words. I really enjoyed some of the insightful comments regarding the United 232 crash in this post –most particularly Braniff747SP.

No need to apologize. It's in our nature to be curious. I sincerely appreciate your insight.

Sorry. Dallas based media company that owns several newspapers and television stations in Texas at that time.

Thank you for your kind comments. It took nearly a decade to release the anger. I'll never be able to release the guilt. It's not survivor's guilt. That comes later during therapy. It's the guilt no one wants to discuss. It's the guilt that leads us survivors to remain quiet.

I appreciate the sincere question. Ultimately it was a technique called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. To this day I practice EMDR alone when flying via head phones from an Aussie therapist named Mark Grant.

I honestly don't know what they were thinking. It boils down to my perception of their questions. I'm a reasonable person who tries to see things fairly, so I have to assume they needed to cover all their bases in a post 9/11 world. Especially in light of all the anti-Bush and Obama rhetoric this last decade.

AMR did what was right. They took care of our well-being as it related back the crash.

Thank you.

I failed to address your last comment. You learn not to speak of such things over time. That's why I purposely created a burner account. That's why I want my spouse to proof my post in case I'm dropping hints as to who I am.

It took years for me to forgive Buschmann. It's so much easier to hate. To blame something as tangible as another human being. It's harder to blame that evening's weather since it existed outside of the plane combined with poor runway design.

Fifteen years ago last month American Airlines 1420 crashed in Little Rock. I was one of the 134 that survived. The captain along with ten passengers died. We left Dallas Fort Worth airport in an MD-82 around 8:30pm. I had just started a new job fresh out of college and was scheduled to meet a client in Bryant,