
I feel like at least there are more older actresses getting parts instead of Jennifer Lawrence playing all 20/30/40 year olds. Sophia Vergera is 50 (not like a normal human 50, but still 50) and did a great job on Griselda.

This also doesn’t ~entirely speak to the complaint, that meaty roles that are not intellectually degrading are not being written for younger women. You get a lot of Summer I Turned Pretty/My Life with the Whatever Boys type of stuff. I dare say that young men are being poorly served in the not-condescending content

All I know is, thank god we’re not getting the yellow/red monstrosity. 

Every time Highlander went deeper in the lore (Highlander 2, Highlander: The Source) the results were awful.

If you knew what you are doing then you would be familiar with the study that comes out every year that deep dives into the actual numbers of roles for women. All the way down to line counts.

Re: Highlander: Y’know, it never seems to go well when people go “deeper into the lore.” We didn’t love the first Highlander for the lore. We didn’t love Ghostbusters because of the lore. Star Wars, even, barely had any lore and the deeper we go into it, the less satisfying it gets. 

Love seeing the Netflix DD cast back! It’s happening! We might be getting what we want for a Netflix DD continuation!

Hopefully it’s a proto-suit like DD’s black suit, and he gets a more accurate, nor bad looking one later in the season. And it better have a bullseye on the head...

Im glad we get the whole daredevil gang back.  Those two added a ton to the show.

I like the Daredevil suit but that Bullseye outfit looks like it came from an Under Armor clearance rack. These things always look better once it’s actually filmed though so I’ll happily assume it’s just the street level cell phone shot making it look off.

I think the issue for actresses is that all the roles go to the same five actresses. So if you’re in the age bracket of 30s those roles go to Emma Stone or Margot Robbie first. If you’re an actress in her 40s or 50s those roles go to Cate Blanchette. If you’re over 60 they go to Meryl Streep. If any of those actresses

Don’t forget the time he outed a worker for having a disability, mocked him for it, and then publicly fired him, before his lawyers made him walk it back

Yea but hypocrisy is a point of pride for conservatives.

Nah, Musk hangs out with and collaborates with terrible people all the time!

Right but that’s not what she is actually filing her lawsuit under. She is suing that she was fired for being a member of a protected class.

yes, and censoring tweets / banning twitter accounts he doesn’t like

For the 1 millionth time, free speech protects people from the government imposing penalties on you for saying stupid/offensive/controversial/etc shit.

Wow, it’s not often that you get two people of such quality garbage-ness coming together to create bullshit.

Isn’t Musk kind of noted for firing people who say things he doesn’t like?

As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech”