Yep. Which is also not ideal, but there’s only so much you can do.
Yep. Which is also not ideal, but there’s only so much you can do.
I have a cheap dishwasher and never had this issue.
Privacy issues, data consumption, and battery drain.
I refuse to install even one facebook app on my phone, let alone one for every single function.
This is the technique my manicurist used! I’ve been trying to recreate (not very successfully) it since she moved and I started doing my own nails.
Facebook, stop trying to make Messenger happen.
Ordering a car with just a telephone call? It might be possible with some new technology from Uber.
They don’t even have to turn to Linux, they can just switch to LibreOffice, which doesn’t have the annoying Office 365 subscription model.
Finally! The old google Fonts site was not very functional at all.
Font Squirrel and The League of Moveable Type are good too.
Oh, so that’s what happened to Trump.
It’s not necessarily just a lens issue. If your frames aren’t suitable (too narrow -like reading style frames for everyday wear) or don’t sit right and you’re not looking under/above the gasses or just not through the center, that might also contribute.
I think this might be more useful for those things that need more planning in advance, like that vacation abroad. But yeah, not seeing it too much extra utility. If only it were well integrated with GDocs.
I don’t think we’re gonna get more training montages for this one, TBH. Hopefully.
He’s already ultra-competent though given what we’ve seen in Civil War.
Great. Considering it was raining the other day and both and said it was sunny, I’m gonna skip this app.
This. And it’s still the best automated translation tool we have.
For honey you can just see if the honey is crystallized in the jar (or jars from the same brand have some cristallisation). Honey that just sits on the shelf usually starts crystallizing after a bit.
Because it would take just as long (or longer), and cost just as much (if not more). While the current tunnel becomes more and more of a danger for the people riding.