
This would have been useful 3 weeks ago. :/

Having only seen the written word before now, I never even occurred to me that latke is not pronounced something like “latkey”.

Where to start?

Not necessarily, depending on the entrance, in some places it’s easy to jump the turnstiles or follow someone in or jumping a fence or whatever.

If I were the caller I’d be laughing my ass off.

There are newer antihistamines that don’t cause sleepiness and might be more effective. Like desloratadin.

But women are eye candy so they can wear whatever they want?

Wow, really? Then why are their calling it black tie, ffs?

That’s a gorgeous dress, but I think it might be too short for a black tie event. AFAIK black tie definitely means full length gown (or cocktails dress length at best).

This article couldn’t be more timely.

And if you really want to save money think really hard if you need a new phone every year, or every two years. Chances are, as an average user, you don’t. I think it’s massively wasteful. If you’re buying top of the line phone, it won’t be obsolete in two years either.

Here’s the Storify for it:

I’ve installed this last night and it feels so much lighter and faster. hoorah!

I’m not seeing have any issues.

Bring back Wallpaper Wednesdays, please!

Quit the opposite actually. I have a feeling the font just renders super-differently for everyone. I posted screenshots:

Sort of on the fence on whether I want to give them my Facebook profile data to even generate this thing.

The font is already way too large. it feels like I want to CTRL- a few times.

They do - but this is a setting you can toggle on or off in their settings. And their guidelines for unintrusive ads are fairly good (generally stuff like Google AdWords with mostly text based ads, but the kind that are clearly marked as ads and not in the middle of the content you’re browsing). I, for one, think is a