
Seriously. I am shocked this is even allowed in the middle of the city. re they making them share this with the whole block or something? Cause otherwise it's never going t be efficient enough to offset the impact of building that thing in the first place.

That was not in any way a personal insult to you or your post. Congrats on making a random stranger's day just a little crappier, though.

Hello 90's!

Don't they get notifications from the antivir programs that they're interfering with each other?

Wow, that does look fantastic. I may have to try it.

Are you fucking kidding me with this? The goddamn thieves. Of course it's the goddamn thieves.

I live in another EU country, but we do have "socialized" medical care. You can't just call into work - you have to get a doctor's note, and that will contain the # of prescribed days off.

I think it depends on the source file. But most e-readers handle pdfs, don't they?

Is Disconnect lighter on system requirements as well?

Well, approved users can approve comments as well, so it doesn't only depend on the author, but other users.

The lock trend began in 2008, presumably imported from Italy or Eastern Europe, and it's been a problem.

Okay, so what are the sites? You know, actual useful information for people that might have had their stuff compromised.

Sounds good!

I'm not an expert by any means, but unless you're modifying the mage is some way, it doesn't qualify as modifying and remixing.

I think the Captain is calling bullshit on the kale looking somewhat reasonably fresh for three freakin months. , even refrigerated.

I was in early high school when I got it, and it was a time when around here people weren't even online every day. I had like 30 friends for a couple of years, and half of them were from the US. It took a couple of years until EVERYONE started using it.

They've also banned wine from Moldova.

Facebook sucks. Got it way before it was cool, and yes it is useful in keeping up with people as well as keeping up with a few other things and pages are useful, but for the most part it sucks and the functionality has only gotten worse over the years.

Yes, and tiny, tiny ones at that.

Proper title HM (Her Majesty!) HRH is for the Princes & Princesses. :)