
On April's Fools one of the local sites ran a piece saying this how the new metro line here will look like, playing on the old Budapest/Bucharest confusion. Honestly, I'm just jealous!

huh, I've see the first one before, not the second one! And they all look different from the actual cartoon.

Please report back!

I actually got the Gmail Shelfie thing last night and it didn't register as a prank. I just rolled eyes, thought "just another one of those ideas everyone's gonna hate" and clicked "no thanks."

Okay, so everyone always says to test out cleaning product on an area that won't be visible. But those areas tend to be small, or really, just the other side of the visible material and cleaning products usually pass trough anyway. So my question is: how do you actually do tests like that? How do they work on

Found this tutorial made with its own pattern. It looks awesome!

Let me know how it went! I wanted to try it too!

This one require alcohol too, as per the instructions. I think you could probably get the letters the right way if you printed out your favourite quote backwards.

That worked! And apparently there was another disabled app there. But I completely forgotten I could do that!

Hmm. How do you do that?

I don't have one but if I did, I'd totally call it 1812.

How did you miss this? It was all over the internets a while back when Cumberbatch dropped out and Hiddles replaced him.

They're filming Crimson Peak, the next del Toro movie.

Followed by "A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater."

My scalp is flaky but oily. That apparently doesn't exist. according to that article.

Very cool! You should do one of these for London, because it feels like London and NY are the most often destroyed cities on film.

Do you feel good about yourself? Calling me a fool, a jackass and an idiot? Got any more names to call me? Because that certainly makes you right and gets your point across much better.

I'm pretty sure it's the costume he's been wearing for most of season 3?