
Hence most and not all.

I actually have big man hands, so a big hone is not such a big problem. But, I still have girl pockets which are tiny and tight and useless even if they exists, and I can barely fit my small by smartphone size HTC Desire D in some of them. And for convenience your phone needs to fit in a gorram pocket.

I've been using Chrome for years and I've never encountered this...

Maybe she did, but those pics are NOT representative of it. Clearly the man does not understand one thing about makeup and photoshop.

WOAH, how did you make the tail?

Okay so the oxi and was did it. There aren't any more stains. Just faint blue tint. I doubt there's anything more to be done. :/

Don't forget some Supernatural, a pic of the Avengers eating shaorma and Tom Hiddleston, too.

Seriously. From the lack of or stupidly built pockets to the inconsistent (and sometimes downright baffling) sizing it's almost impossible to find something that its properly. That's why shopping takes hours, and why we have to have a bag all the damn time.

I've left them in oxi overnight but i don't think the problem has gone away. I may try the brush thing, and then maybe just throw them in the washer again with cold water and more oxi.


Ugh, I'm not sure I've ever met a pair of stockings that didn't run. I am in my mid 20's but wearing pantyhse is surely listed on any website where formal dress codes are described. Just.. get informed!

Oh good. I'm not the only one who is mystified at the "pantyhose = fashion faux pas!" comments. Pantyhose is pretty much mandatory if you're going to any royal event.

I don't know about the other shows but Criminal Minds' audience has always skewed older than usual. I think it's most popular in the 29-58 range rather than the usual coveted 18-49. So it is definitely not a show that would influence young people about to embark on a career path.

Neither explanation is correct (or complete). Slash (as in the / used between two names in a 'ship) used to denote any kind of romantic relationship in Ye Olde Days of Fandom (before the Internet even), but the term has evolved and now mainly refers to same sex relationships of the m/m variety. I've rarely (if ever)

But, for the love of god, WHY?

Wait, but how can a mall dictate operating hours for the store?

It's the exact same thing Facebook's been doing for a while.

"I'm here and I still like you/love you/care about you. And call every time you need to be distracted or talk or whatever. Any time. "

It sounds like you haven't really acknowledged her problem. Advice isn't the thing to give, but acknowledgement "Yes I know this sucks." - that's it. Telling your friend about that hiring sign will just remind her of all of her failures and make her feel worse about herself. And "I still like you."