Fucking this. Actually most people I know that are my age are working 50+ hour weeks just to keep jobs that make ends meet and are vaguely related with what they actually want to do, after months of being jobless.
Fucking this. Actually most people I know that are my age are working 50+ hour weeks just to keep jobs that make ends meet and are vaguely related with what they actually want to do, after months of being jobless.
I don't get this - manual cars are standard here, and "autopilot" driving still happens. You get a feel for the car and gears and you don't have to actively think about every change you make.
You definitely need to peel and see what's going on underneath - there may by mould and it's not recommended you paint over that.
What the hell is TSP?
Wrong place, sorry.
This is t6he best "How I Work" so far!
I can't seem to be able to edit my reply: but RTD's Miracle Day was so much more of a mess than anything I've seen from Moffat. Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind.
Due to various RL commitments I haven't had a chance to see the second part of this season. I liked the first part though, and its less less serialized nature and I love what I've seen of Clara.
CAn someone explain that to me? I keep seeing it in reference to him, but - what happened?
Actually that's pretty much the exact etiquette in my country - always money, something different only if you are very very very close to the couple (like sister/brother/best friend). It's expected to cover the cost of the plate + a little extra. Maybe the brides are of south/eastern European descent?
Here's an easy way to interpret things: think of any case in which this comment would be appropriate. A work setting, maybe. But otherwise? Nope. The tone matters as does the gender of the person saying it, but that's secondary to the main issue: the comment was inappropriate, and telling her parents in a text is not…
After reading so many articles about bra fitting, I came to the conclusion that only way to get a bra with everything you need is to get it custom made or something. So, are there any places where you can get a custom made bra?
I also assume you don't have to be sitting butt bare on the toilet in these pics, which makes it less shameful that bathroom mirror selfies.
It looks like the character is mistaken for SJ for 60 pages straight and we don't know what the character actually does.
This is probably trademark infringement (if SJ uses her name on any products), so I don't think fair use applies.
Excellent! That was pretty much the only reason I kept google toolbar around way back in the day.
Because it may actually still work later as well, depending where you are in your cycle, but they haven't done the studies, or it's too hard to determine the exact chance because it would vary from woman to woman, so they can't advertise it as such specifically.
There's a better chance of it working if you take it immediately and the chance goes down with each day that passes (3 days, I think). The wording is fine.
However, Windows 8, and now Windows 8.1, is just another interface to me that I will work around if required.
They forgot to mention how to "press & hold" on desktops and laptops. And why are we selling devices this OS doesn't support with this OS preinstalled?