
I count exactly like you. Huh, Europe.

Geez. Thanks for pointing that out. Knew there was something I was missing.

You probably have more clout than us with the tech people. Can you try pushing for an "all" button?

I'm sorry, but nothing in that club even resembles nature, let alone "closely".

That people will believe anything they want to?

I'll bet that the Batman reboot will start with a JLA movie, likely sate in the same universe as GL and the new Superman movie.


That's so cool!

Overly quoted sayings are not the epitome of critical thinking for me.

It was all still based on some facts. It has changed and evolved since then, but it's still better than completely ignoring what's in front of you for a tale.

Science is not a belief. It is tangible and factual. It does not require your belief. It's there whether you like it or not.

Oh, that' so interesting. And explains the deterioration of my spoken English when I spent two weeks in Indonesia. I had to make a conscious effort to stop speaking like that when I got back.

Even better when they actually make it hot.

Still not crazy enough for most FS episodes.

Haha, yes! Farscape: kinda hard to sum up in a few words.

It's Farscape, season 3, "Meltdown". Strange alien makes a star "sing" to leviathans (which is the ship they are on) to get them to crash into the star. Their leviathan gets damaged and releases leviathan!adrenalin, everyone acts crazy, Jon and Aeryn do their best impressions of porn stars every other scene, while

Correlation =/=causation.

So, it's a siren star?

Guess it worked.