
Only 45 minutes til they show it again, I'll be glued to the TV!!!

He was funny…

I don't think it is Arya…

Good question…

Great show tonight all around…Dany and John sparring, Bran and Sansa reunion!, Euron emasculating Jamie, Cersei with the kiss of death, Olenna going out with style…the battle stuff was just enough to taste it but moved the story forward. Great ride tonight and John gets his dragonglass and Jorah gets his cure.So next

Pretty sure the Mesa Roldan would be used as the Tower of Joy and the Castillo de Zafra either as Casterly Rock or Starfall, the Daynes home castle where Ashara throws herself out the window.

Ahhh, Diana Rigg and Jane Fonda were my two favorite actresses in the late 60's…
Loved the Avengers on TV!. My first crush was for Mrs. Peel!

I am one of those persons…that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a show for what it is…
This is like people watching GOT and complaining that the morality displayed isn't what we think is right today.

Talk about totally misunderstanding a show…
if you spent less time trying to write your politically correct snoozefest, you might just enjoy this show.

Oberyn asks Tyrion IF he "learned that in the fighting Pits" when Tyrion suggests a helmet would be useful……..nice foreshadowing!
FWIW, I don't mean about Oberyn getting his head squished either!

It makes sense to me…….

I don't think they are going to show it and I really don't see any need for it.

I will have to read those chapters again…..I could of sworn Missandei and Grey Worm were brother and sister.

In the books Grey Worm and Missandei were brother and sister……no romance.

I agree about Stoneheart…….I hope the HBO staff drops her altogether…..

That would not of been Oberyn Martell fighting with less showboating……

After Arya's laugh at the news of her Aunt's death, does anyone think the guards believe that she is really Lysa's niece?
I would think they would believe the whole story a ruse and would shoo them away and arrow and sword point.

I hope they eliminate Lady Stoneheart…….i thought the whole thing in the books with her was stupid anyway.