Y'all are pathetic! We just lost one of the greatest ARTISTS of all time & y'all do this! What do you think she'd say of all your dramatic BULLSHIT?
Y'all are pathetic! We just lost one of the greatest ARTISTS of all time & y'all do this! What do you think she'd say of all your dramatic BULLSHIT?
How the hell do you know who he voted for you DIPSHIT? You sound like one of those morons wanting open borders & handing over the same rights as a US citizen to illegals since we’re ASSuming things!
By the way,do you even know what the purpose of a Glider KIT is? The intensity of how I DESPISE you Libdiots grows every time I see comments like this! You SELF RIGHTEOUS HYPOCRITICAL PIECES OF GARBAGE! I’ll bet at LEAST one of you has a “Coexist” bumper sticker on your precious Prius that causes more environmental…
My Dad used to tell me “You can learn a lot more with your eyes open & your mouth shut than the other way around".....
Whatever dude! Bet your one of those people who like to get 4 ft away from an ICC bumper & hang there,right? Your life & others around you aren’t worth THIRTY WHOLE SECONDS?!
Oh yyyeeeaaah, nothing more! We just LLLOOOVVVEEE to be out there on the road just to PISS OFF 4 WHEELERS! That’s why we stay out for weeks,sometimes MONTHS away from our loved ones! Why,we do this for FREE! Remember, that “asshole” in the Pete is probably talking to his wife,kid,or another loved one while he’s out on…
No sugarcoatin’ now! LOL!
Watch the video toughguy!
Exactly! Well said! I,being the natural smart aleck that I am, didn’t sugarcoat my opinion! I HAVE been called a might abrasive!
Ever so slightly! That’s a hot one!
Probably contrary to your opinion, driver had a Bluetooth & was scanning his mirrors. These are EIGHTY THOUSAND POUND MISSILES THAT WILL NOT STOP LIKE A CORVETTE!
Ever drive one? Ever been out there? Fast & Furious wannabes cut trucks off all the time!
LOL,if you get butthurt easily,DON’T DO IT!
Again,passing a slower truck while MAINTAINING A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE.
Guess you had access to footage not seen? I WILL stay in the hammer lane if there’s an area with a very high volume of exits & entrances & can MAINTAIN the speed limit or if I see somebody getting on the highway there Supertrucker! Furthermore Mr. or Ms. Bigrigger,it looks like he was passing a slower truck while…