
It’s marketed as a “security feature” to keep execs safe from active shooters or close the door for private meetings.

He's a terrible interviewer. He bullies interviewees he thinks are beneath him and kowtows to the ones that intimidate him.

93% audience score. Idiots!

94% on Rotten Tomatoes. A real stinker.

It's a line from Gone With the Wind.

He should have claimed it was a performance art piece.

Mmm, Sean Hamity.

Yet they're saving the 100th episode (the threshold for syndication, aka $$$$$) for the next season premiere.

Don't forget- he also wrote "I know he has epilepsy," "I hope this sends him into a seizure" and "let's see if he dies."

Ellen James Society Outpost

Citizens United. Sad!

Cereal heir.

Where are they going with Gregory's memory lapses?

Exactly. Earlier, as the gang was driving away from the clothesline caper, Michonne says to Rick "We're here. You can smile. We made it. We can make it. We can. We're the ones who'll live." At that moment he does not smile, but he smiles at the end of the episode because he realizes Michonne is right when he sees the

Do they ever reveal which family member secretly molested her for years?

The other researcher said that he doesn't keep them around that long. Keeps him detached.

The only death that affected me was Chirrut Imwe.

For sure- but I also thought it was a mixed reaction of triumph and hurt because the white radio guy was scared to use the n-word in front of the custodian, Paper Boi and Darius, but not Earn. He didn't respect Earn.

Perhaps this excerpt is more in the budding pedophile vein-

Oh sorry I got it backwards. Lena Dunham didn't shove the pebbles into her sister's vagina, she discovered them when she was examining her little sister's vagina for no legitimate reason. Totally different.