
Are you sure you weren't a bit player in an episode of Black Books?

I don't care how many years later it is. Upvote.

I remember when Halley's Comet came around in… '86 was it? A local radio channel had a promo for a viewing event called "I'm a Tail Watcher"… which is fine except the tv version of the ad had the "tails" be a bunch of bikini bottomed girls… which took it right back to the original…

Isn't that line from Run For Your Life by the Beatles? EDIT: or did John nab the line from Let's Play House and reuse it? Either way… creeeeepy.

Well - I've never heard it called *that* before.

August Lindt! Repeatedly. Whether tying himself to the Hollywood sign and lighting it afire or any number of other things…

That's literally what I assumed when I saw the headline. Then again, maybe we're relics because you've only got 8 upvotes so far. Sigh. [I'm old…get off my lawn]

Seriously - egregious oversight.

This is a British show. The proper exit phrase - via the Fast Show is:

Happier… more productive… Are you fitter, too?

God that second quote. It's like a high school (or Junior high school) play at best. Tell, in the flattest way possible, don't show.

So true. And honestly how I felt about the AVC review. This was "wow, obvious play for mostly unfunny results" episode of a style that has been redone again and again ever since… and yet, it was called "brilliant" and "killer" here. No accounting for taste, eh?

Since when did "parody song" move into the category of "mashup"?

Not entirely true - those 1-3, etc levels that are all grass platforms on top of land outcroppings. Weird plateaus or mesas of grass, islands above an endless pit.

Oh dear me no - in addition to Two of Us and Across the Universe, I've Got A Feeling is great, Get Back is great, I Dig a Pony is… well, not great but good.

This is why I love the AVClub. Superego references.

His departure allowed Tony Banks to domineer the sound palette without a strong textural guitarist to act as counterpoint. Big fat synths (which is a thing I normally like, actually) ended up being monolithic and sludgy… then Mike Rutherford got his oar in with the pop pap. And the rest is history.

Phil's drumming really ruined "Selling England By The Pound" don't you know. Would have been much better with Chris Stewart.

My only quibble is four, sorta. He went through a mini crazy talk, disappearing with Tardis trick, and nutty costume run before settling in. Bemusing and baffling all around him.

I enjoy this episode, but it's particular party dinginess and ultimate party unpleasantness cuts so close to home for me that some elements cease to be funny and feel more like… bad memories… (everything before the "real guests" show up after the pubs close, though, is pure, total gold).