Where is the basket? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BASKET?? How can he be jumping so high and far that it isn’t even in the shot???
Where is the basket? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BASKET?? How can he be jumping so high and far that it isn’t even in the shot???
Not pictured: The rim that a player in his fifteenth season is about to be looking down at.
Poor guy got run over wearing a jersey with tire tracks on it.
“DB Alert” usually means something else when associated with Jimbo.
People who think SNL was ever significantly funnier or more original than it is now are wrong and bad.
You must be fun to hang out with.
domestic violence is hysterical thank you for reminding me!
I love the Packers, but they can fuck themselves with an arbitrarily awful inanimate object for this bull shit.
I think you misspelled Tom Brady.
:( But we’ve never even met.
You only think I guessed wrong! That’s what’s so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” - but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian…
Golf enthusiast Yoenis Cespedes has the great fortune of playing against Phillies pitching this week and he made the…
Yup. By being dead, he got away scot free and won’t have to pay off anybody. That’s one lucky dude.
Nobody that went to Baylor.
As a resident of NE Ohio I have often thought that we should leave Cincy and the area around it on Kentucky’s doorstep with a “please take care of me” note attached to the bassinet. Along with their diarrhea sludge.
Guys, I don’t want to rock the boat here, but I’m starting to think local governments and team owners don’t care very much about taxpayers.
All religions suck.
In response, the NCGOP has released an official statement: