
Sooooo...you admit that Facebook needs more women, but you wouldn’t work there unless they hired more women? Your name is Sherri, this implies that you are in fact a woman, so how would your refusal to work there, help them hire more women? Am I missing something there, or is your feminism causing some sort of inane

Zuckerburg is Jewish. The ideals of Judaism and Communism are entirely consonant. Google it.

You sound like a 14 year old child.

Only simple minded jackanapes would agree with a such a mentally stunted viewpoint.

Gawker definitely also does make the right look foolish/suppress many right wing items of worth for their leftist rhetoric. However, Gawker doesn’t purport to be a neutral curator of “Trending Topics” in America or the world, they are pretty clearly a left wing news source and operate as such. Gawker is smart to tack

You're nuts.